| info@pandia.ch  |


Last updated on November 11, 2018.

Pandia believes in the importance of thoughtfully handling personal information and is committed to privacy practices that are transparent and compliant. This Privacy Policy sets out how Pandia uses the personal information we collect and receive about you.

Types of Personal Information

Pandia collects personal date through the registration process. We use this data to improve Pandia and give you private support.

It include:

Contact and Log In Information. Name, employer, title, email address, physical address, phone number, and similar contact info.

Demographic Information. Employment status, occupation, region.

Usage data may include information about your computer’s or mobile device’s operating system and browser type, device type, details about how you are using our products (but not including the underlying data), view your Internet Protocol (IP) address, geographic areas derived from your IP address, networking connection data, Pandia cookie information, file information, metadata, time stamped logs regarding access times and duration of visits, the websites you visited before coming to Pandia websites, and other usage data relating to your activities on our Sites, including the pages you request. We may link this information to the personal information you provide for purposes described in this Privacy Policy, and may provide targeted product information back to users based on their user data.

If you decline to provide your personal information or ask us to delete it, we may be unable to continue to provide or support our products or services.

Ways we Use Personal Information
We use the personal information we collect for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, as covered in any agreement that incorporates this Policy, or as disclosed to you in connection with our websites. For example, we will use your information to:

• Provide and deliver products or services, including software updates;
• Operate and improve our operations, systems, products, and services;
• Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience;
• Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;
• Send you service-related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
• Communicate with you and your referrals about promotions, upcoming events, and news about products and services offered by Pandia;
• Link or combine information about you with other personal information we get from third parties, to help understand your needs and provide you with better and more personalized service;
• Protect against, investigate, and deter fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal activity

Reasons for Using Your Information
When we process your personal information we will only do so where at least one of the following applies:

• We need to use your personal information to perform our responsibilities under our contract with you and to provide you with tools and services;
• We have a legitimate reason to use your personal information. For example, it is in our legitimate interests to use your personal information to improve our products and services; to tell you about changes to this Privacy Policy and other policies; to tell you about new products, services and events or changes to our products, services or websites; for business reasons (for example to develop and expand our business); and to tell you about offers or promotions we are running;
• You have given consent to use your personal information. You may withdraw consent by «opting out» where we give you the opportunity to do so, or by contacting us using the contact details below.
• If it is necessary for us to use your personal information in order to comply with a legal obligation;

Sharing of Personal Information
Pandia works to keep your personal information confidential and secure, and does not sell your personal data.

If you have any questions about how we use your personal information, or if you have any other privacy-related questions, please contact us at info@pandia.ch.