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Why Pandia?

When machines or other equipment has malfunctions or outages, technical knowledge to troubleshoot and solve the issue is often not available on site. Pandia is a video diagnostic and communication tool that helps field technicians do their job and gives customers better technical service. Pandia helps you to reduce machine downtime, save costs, and reduce travel.

Pandia explained in 120 seconds:


In addition, Pandia can be used for specialized analysis on-site, for long-term monitoring, to create training materials, and for archiving your organization’s crucial information and knowledge:

Pandia Use Cases

Pandia is useful in many service situations and scenarios:

1 Field Service2 R&D and Programming3 Training & Documentation

1 Field Service

On Site Analysis Tool

You are the field technician at the production site trying to fix a problem.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an extra pair of eyes that could help you to:
– watch different parts of the machine simultaneously to figure out how they interact
– analyze fast moving process and details through slow-motion videos
– setup long- term recording with video replay to analyze intermittent issues and instant process changes after machine parameter manipulations.

–> Use Pandia as a Stand-Alone On-Site Analysis Tool

Check out Pandia features: Record and Analyze,   Long-term Observation with Video Replay

Remote Support Tool

You are responsible for smooth operation of your company’s production line, and you encounter malfunctions or other quality problems. You are struggling to describe the problem in sufficient detail for the hotline or remote support to figure out what’s wrong and help you to solve the problem. But getting a field service technician sent to your site is expensive, and you can’t wait that long.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a tool that allows you to:
– take detailed videos from different angles and send it to remote support specialist for detailed analysis
– share live streams of your production line while talking to the remote specialists

–> Use Pandia as Remote Support Tool

Check out Pandia features: Share and Remote

2 R&D and Programming

Remote Tool for Programming

You are a programmer working for an equipment provider for machines or production lines. Your customer needs to reconfigure his production line, and it’s your job to implement and test the new machine software.

Wouldn’t it be very convenient if you could:
– watch the production line from afar and see how the software modification affects the operation?
– set up long-term recording with video replay to observe the machine over a longer time and be able to watch back after problems occur?

–> Use Pandia as Remote Tool for Programming

Check out Pandia features: Share Live Stream,   Long-term Observation with Video Replay

* planned feature, NOT yet available

Remote Tool for Field Tests*

You are an R&D engineer, and you are testing your prototype in real-live tests on your customer’s site in a different country. Prototypes naturally have a lot of problems, and your tired of long flights just to run another test.

Wouldn’t it be much more efficient if you could set up a tool at your customer’s site that allows you to:
– watch your prototype from afar and see how your prototype machine performs?
– set up cameras to watch those parts where you expect problems to occur?
– run 24h video observation and see only those recordings where problems occurred*?

* Pandia let’s you define visual or audio triggers (alarm sounds, LED blinking, etc) that tell Pandia to start recording automatically

–> Use Pandia as Remote Tool for R&D Field Tests

Check out Pandia features: Record and Analyze, Share and Remote, Loop Recording*,Event Trigger*

* planned feature, NOT yet available

3 Training and Documentation

Training Videos

You are responsible for quality control and training, and it’s your job to create and manage a knowledge base for your field service engineers and customer trainings.

Wouldn’t it be very useful to have a tool that allows you to:
– let your field service engineer record high-quality videos of your machines on-site
– have multi-view and slow motion functionality for easier understanding
– annotate the videos with highlighting and comments, and organize them in a convenient video library accessible by everyone*?

–> Use Pandia as Video Archiving & Training Tool

Check out Pandia features: Recorde and Analyze, Video Annotation*

* planned feature, NOT yet available