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Success Case Story Krones AG

Case Success Story Krones

Krones offers lines for the beverage industry and food manufacturers: process technology, filling technology, packaging machines, and even IT solutions.

Every day, millions of glass bottles, cans and PET containers pass through a Krones line. As a systems supplier, Krones equips breweries, beverage bottlers, and food producers all over the world – with individual machines as well as entire production facilities.

We conducted the interview with Markus Müller, Lehner, Johannes and Oliver Riedhammer, from the Quality Department.   

Pandia: A year and a half ago now, I was able to show you the Pandia Tool. What convinced you to work with us? 
Krones: The ease of use of the product made it very easy for us to get to grips with it. With the monitoring mode, we can always observe everything clearly and thus also see many details, which is really ingenious at the speed of the system! Especially in the case of new developments or prototypes, we can thus respond perfectly to newly occurring errors and thus analyze the error precisely through the recordings. 
The monitoring mode also offers us great added value in different departments at Krones, as everyone can look at the saved sequence an unlimited number of times, and in this way we can get new perspectives and objective opinions from different people in the company without losing any information, and together we can find a solution to rectify the problem.Pandia is widely distributed within the company.  

Pandia: Do you have another example of use?
Krones: A customer of ours from the UK was initially very skeptical because it was a very complicated mistake. He didn’t really want to believe us at first when we told him the fault diagnosis. However, the machine faults could be shown to him through recordings.The customer later agreed to new adjustments only because he saw the error himself.This saved us and also the customer an enormous amount of time. The whole process would have taken much longer and it would have taken far more discussion without Pandia’s help. With Pandia, however, it was easy to prove the error, rebuild the machine, and then continue to make it functional. This also involved several equipment failures.

Here you can see a preform that has stuck to another preform on the carousel after ejection. This caused the machine to stop.

Pandia: How did our product stand out from other options? 
Krones: In the beginning, we did everything quite classically with tripods and cell phones in slow-motion mode, plugged into the charging cable.The memory was then full within 40 minutes, and the videos had to be deleted manually.You have to be on site yourself and need extra personnel, which brings additional costs.
Pandia: What was the decisive product feature for the decision to work together? 
The mobility of the cameras, the ease of use and the surveillance mode. 
Pandia: What do you like most about working with Pandia?
Krones: Without doubt, the contact with Mauro and the very good support. You always get immediate help!