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Success Case Story Aerne Engineering

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Aerne Engineering AG was the first customer to recognise the potential of Pandia 4 years ago. We now report on this in an exclusive interview:

Pandia: Could you briefly explain what you do at Aerne Engineering?
Aerne: At Aerne Engineering AG, we build systems in a wide variety of sectors in the field of industrial automation (robot systems, assembly systems) at the request of our customers. At the moment we are 85 employees. From construction to commissioning, we do everything in-house.

Pandia: What was the situation like before you started working with Pandia? (What problem did we solve with Pandia?)
Aerne: We always have fast processes to monitor. Before Pandia, we recorded these processes with a small Sony action camera or filmed them with the Gopro camera and then watched them in slow motion. We had a solution, but not a satisfactory one. With Pandia, we now have the possibility to record the whole thing from 4 perspectives and show it in slow motion without having to change the memory card or lose time unnecessarily.

Pandia: How did you hear about Pandia?
Aerne: We became aware of Pandia through direct contact from Mauro.

Pandia: What convinced you about the product?
Aerne: We had a process with robots where we could record the process from different angles. A camera was always pointed at the laptop to see what was going on in the programme. Through Pandia, you could see from different angles what the product does. You could then look at the individual pictures and jump from picture to picture to see what was happening in the individual process step.

Pandia: What has changed through the collaboration with Pandia?
Aerne: First and foremost the time savings! We finally have a ready-made solution and if a problem arises, we grab the case and can quickly analyse the problem. We no longer have to worry about the evaluation, everything is now immediately at hand!

Pandia: How did our product stand out from other options?
Aerne: We already looked at what solutions were already available on the market. But what we like about Pandia is the low-cost hardware and the mobile phone cameras, where it's not so bad if the camera falls off. All the other solutions involved very expensive hardware and camera equipment. We also like the fact that the software is very user-friendly.

Pandia: What was the decisive product feature for the decision to work together?
Aerne: We were particularly convinced by the slow motion mode. This allows us to film frame by frame and skip ahead depending on where the problem occurs in the sequence. And this without having to search for the error for a long time.

Pandia: What do you like most about working with Pandia?
Aerne: What we like best about the collaboration is the direct communication with Mauro. He is most of the time available and on the spot when you have a problem. It has also been very interesting to see how Pandia has developed, from the beginning to now. We've been there from the beginning, so to speak.

Pandia: What have you achieved through the use of our product?
Aerne: We have achieved with the help of Pandia that troubleshooting is now much faster and less complicated, for which we are very grateful.